Maha Devi Li Ra La’s Expression of Knowledge

Maha Devi Li Ra La’s Expression of Knowledge

Maha Devi Li Ra La Rose Knowledge

To quote from the Ancient Knowledge Texts of the Vedas, “Knowledge is structured in consciousness”, it is Maha Devi Li Ra La’s great, expanded consciousness that is able to see, know, and provide such profound, transformative, and deeply inspiring knowledge to the interested.  Maha Devi Li Ra La does not “channel” knowledge, whereby another being or entity separate from the one channeling takes over the body and mind and speaks through the channeling person.  The knowledge or information expressed through a channel can only be as clear and truthful as the consciousness and clarity of the channel.  Maha Devi Li Ra La is not taken over by any being.  She is completely awake and aware.  She goes deep within and connects with her Higher Self, or the field of all knowledge, and then speaks from this unbounded ocean of consciousness or unbounded, infinite level of awareness.

She describes this knowledge as the “Living Word”.  It is alive, refreshing, flexible, profound, meaningful, and practical.  It is universal in scope and yet very personal, expressing intimate truths that apply to all of us.  She often takes different angles in explaining a particular subject so the reader can better understand and integrate.

Her knowledge is a guiding light on the path towards enlightenment, able to help lay the intellectual foundation for the ready soul to adopt a lifestyle conducive for spiritual growth and positive self-transformation. Her knowledge goes beyond the limitations that keep us in bondage to a life of compromise and self-created suffering. Her words help transcend these self-limiting beliefs that are the basis for our unwanted manifestations, and offer wisdom that promotes wellbeing and inner fulfillment. A soul ascends to levels of greater self-mastery and enlightenment by learning its lessons and working through all karma and attachments that bind it to a particular unfulfilling reality zone.  Maha Devi Li Ra La’s knowledge and many analogies demonstrate the importance of developing a self-referral stance towards life and all that seems to happen to us, willing to assume responsibility for the circumstances and situations we are in and that often seem to challenge us beyond what we deem possible to handle. She also speaks of the spiritual rewards that result from a self-responsible stance towards life, a holistic sense of self-empowerment and healing on all levels of our expanded self: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Simply put, our lower self becomes more and more our Higher, Divine Self.

This knowledge comes from a subtle, spiritually rich level and is sometimes challenging to put into proper sentence structure, or it may not even be perfectly grammatically correct, according to the rules of our language, which are limited.  It is like forcing the charge of a lightning bolt into a battery.  The vehicle of transmission for this knowledge, written language, is not always adequate to relay or convey the full message, which Maha Devi Li Ra La experiences more as a hologram or Divine blueprint.  You might therefore find within her writings “unusual” words and phrases that, if read and understood from your gut level, will make complete sense and will add extra leverage to the meaning of the text.

Many people have experienced great changes in their lives from being exposed to Maha Devi Li Ra La’s transformational knowledge and putting it into practice.  It is like awakening deep memories in us that have been lying dormant for a long time.  Whether you are interested in enlightenment and positive self-transformation, if you want to better yourself and improve the quality of your life experiences or just like knowledge for knowledge sake, you will find much here on her website to appreciate and be fascinated by.  It speaks to your mind, heart, and soul.  To taste of this knowledge is to taste of healing nectar: it is deeply nourishing and exhilarating, and one can only desire for more, because ultimately Maha Devi Li Ra La is just talking about the fascinating facets of our infinite Self, our core essence that lies at the bottom of our united being, and which is very dear and personal to each and everyone of us.