Quotes 11-20

“Paradise is where you neither oppress nor allow yourself to be oppressed. Paradise is when you uplift life in all its expressions, knowing that the world around you is an extension of yourself that you want to see returned to bliss and wholeness.”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La

“Prosperity is not your right, but it is your duty!
Generosity that stems from abundance and prosperity can transform, enrich, and uplift the world around you. Poverty consciousness thinks that the world owes you and therefore you just take from it without giving back. Poverty consciousness absorbs and steals life energy, and is therefore thievery. Prosperity consciousness believes in the win-win, an upward spiral of mutual support and the exchange of values, and is therefore life-enhancing and a blessing. You can be rich and still demonstrate poverty consciousness for as long as the suffering of your fellow humans doesn’t motivate you to be generous and helpful. And you can be poor and still demonstrate prosperity consciousness when you deeply care about your fellow humans. The ideal is to have prosperity consciousness in all areas of your life, and to be part of the upward spiral of creating prosperity that benefits not only you but also the world around you!”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La

“Quantum Physics proves that the outcome of an experiment does not always depend on rigid rules, but that it rather depends on – and changes – with the awareness and focus of the observer. There are, therefore, no preprogrammed destinies: you have the freedom to choose and manifest the outcomes you like, by keeping your focus persistently on them.”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La
Divine will – free will – highest best, win win.

“The Divine Will for your life coincides with your own free will, for as long as you have the best interest for yourself and all other living beings at heart. The Divine Will supports the win-win for all life expressions, and leaves feelings of guilt and the necessity for punishment behind, for these belong to a world steeped in ignorance of the benevolent and just nature of the Divine Omnipresence.”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La

“Purification of mind and body dissolves the veils of ignorance that hide the light and power of our siddha nature, our supernatural being. We can remember our limitless state, where we can levitate and travel through air, time, and space without a plane or spacecraft; know everything without having to look it up on the internet or in books, and manifest the life of our dreams without having to compromise our integrity in a world of disempowering beliefs. We are already perfect. We just need to let go of what we are not.”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La

“Paradise is where the lion lies next to the lamb, where life is at peace and every life form is safe and can thrive. Hell is where the predator kills and eats the prey, where life is unsafe and aggression and fear are rampant. Vegetarians save lives every day! During the Spiritual Spring, the so-called Sat Yuga according to the Ancient Veda, life thrives, but during the Spiritual Winter, the Kali Yuga of the Vedic knowledge system, life suffers and is destroyed. Kali Yuga began when the first man killed his brother, whether human or animal, and made a self-justification and life philosophy out of that.”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La

“During Sat Yuga, the Spiritual Spring on Earth, we were a powerful master soul who knew no death nor sorrow. On his way towards the present Kali Yuga, or Spiritual Winter, however, this master soul disintegrated into many weaker and less aware embodiments. This happened through his own Free Will and the law of karma that corresponds to this Free Will. We are a fragment of our original greatness, but love and unification in peace bring us back to this glorious state of our original grandeur and magnificence. We unite by transcending our differences, and by celebrating our diversity.”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La

“Paradise is where the lion lies next to the lamb, where life is at peace and every life form is safe and can thrive. Hell is where the predator kills and eats the prey, where life is unsafe and aggression and fear are rampant. Vegetarians save lives every day! During the Spiritual Spring, the so-called Sat Yuga according to the Ancient Veda, life thrives, but during the Spiritual Winter, the Kali Yuga of the Vedic knowledge system, life suffers and is destroyed. Kali Yuga began when the first man killed his brother, whether human or animal, and made a self-justification and life philosophy out of that.”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La

“Don’t look sideways, don’t get distracted, and don’t get stuck in doubt. Evil lurks in the darkness to prey on the indecisive and unmotivated. Stay focused on the light of the Divine, and no evil can ever harm you. The Divine protects you and provides a firewall around you that no bad influence can penetrate. Give your passion to God and Mother Divine! It is the most powerful Source of life force and life joy that can turn your life into the bliss-filled existence your heart and soul truly and deeply desire!”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La

“The dark lord and his minions are master manipulators: they sell you black for white, dark for light, wrong for right, and evil for good. Entrapping you and making you dependent on them is their main objective.
The Divine, on the other hand, leads by example: it uplifts and revitalizes life, loves unconditionally, and frees you from the bondages of a miserable, oppressed life.
Be aware of the difference!”

― Maha Devi Li Ra La