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Maha Devi Li Ra La’s Expression of Knowledge


Maha Devi Li Ra La Quotes

Maha Devi Wisdom

The most ideal state our soul feels comfortable in is bliss consciousness and enlightenment. To get there and stay there requires of us to dispel any and all ignorance, illusions and self-deceptions about our false identity and lower self-importance, which are based on compromise, self-limitations and the creation of karma. Instead we need to recognize that true grandeur and fulfillment are the result of purification and self-transformation, processes that require our intellect to learn and understand the fabrics of the ultimate truth and wisdom. Knowledge is different as perceived from different angles of perception, and there can be as many subjective truths as there are conscious beings and their realities, but there is only one absolute truth that makes sense of it all and that penetrates all of creation as one level of highest understanding, a timeless, holistic truth that elevates and maintains all of life and does not exclude any living being and its perception of reality as irrelevant or false. This ultimate truth is infinitely just, beneficial, incorruptible, all-encompassing of all other truths and knowledge, it is alive and vibrant, relevant to all life expressions and utterly liberating in its powerful, illumining influence over any darkness and limitations the soul finds itself entrapped in. The truth will set you free, it is said, and this is what Maha Devi Li Ra La’s discourses are all about: finding to this ultimate level of understanding that dissolves the need to compromise and limit our souls, and with that the cause for our suffering is also disappearing, leaving only that which is incorruptible and eternal to live on in our souls, namely our radiantly beautiful bliss consciousness and enlightenment!